Slogan #59
As I sit down to write this final entry on our journey through the 59 Lojong Slogans with Pat Harada Linfoot, I am filled with a sense of quiet fulfilment.
Slogan #59
This final slogan asks us to turn inward for recognition and approval instead of searching for external rewards. This means cultivating an “internal locus of control” through self-acceptance and self-compassion.
Slogan #58
Reflecting on Lojong Slogan 58, "Don't Be Frivolous," has been a guiding principle throughout my life. It reminds me to find meaning and depth in my actions rather than engaging in superficial pursuits.
Slogan #58
Slogan 58 redefines frivolous according to the mind training precepts of Lojong—there is room for joy and delight when we remember what’s important from Slogan 1.
Slogan #57
Today at Studio Be, we explored Lojong Slogan 57: "Don't Be Jealous." As we near the end of our Lojong journey, reflecting on jealousy has been powerful.
Slogan #57
Jealousy is provocative and entertaining. The feelings of envy, resentment, and irritability are so powerful that they are hard to resist.
Slogan #56
While teaching a yoga class focused on discipline today, Mike Tyson’s words came to mind: "Discipline is doing what you hate to do, but doing it like you love it."
Slogan #56
When things fall apart, when we get sick or when our expectations aren’t met, it’s easy to be stuck in the litany of “why me?” Feeling sorry for ourselves distracts us from the jealousy, entitlement, anger, or fear that lurks beneath the surface.
Slogan #55
What am I holding onto that no longer serves me? And is there synchronicity between my meditation practice and how I am living my life?
Slogan #55
Patanjali’s Sutra 2.16, “Heyam dukham anagatam” tells us that since our suffering is self-created, we have the ability to consciously intervene and fully extinguish future causes of suffering.
Slogan #54
“You have to live in your own world. Don’t judge or compare yourself to what you see on social media.” “Running and exercising callouses the mind. I’m not training for a race, I’m training for life.” - David Goggins
Slogan #54
This slogan expands on the previous one and further develops the embodiment of compassion: “Don’t vacillate and train wholeheartedly.” Be committed, dedicated, and unequivocal about your Lojong practice.
Slogan #53
Spending time camping by Lake Erie with friends celebrating their first year of marriage has been wonderful. As we wake up early and enjoy each other's company, I reflect on Slogan #53: "Don't vacillate."
Slogan #53
To vacillate means to waver between different ideas or actions. In reference to our lojong practice, slogan 53 is encouraging us not to dither but to unconditionally and enthusiastically commit to compassion training 24/7.
Slogan #52
As I slowly prepare to move back to Toronto, I’m reflecting on the changes and transitions happening in my life. My schedule is shifting, and so are my daily routines.
Slogan #52
Each Lojong slogan is a call to action and today, there are six misinterpretations that we’re likely to encounter along the way.
Slogan #51
As I reintroduce myself to the gym, I'm reminded of how much my relationship with exercise has evolved. Yoga has been my main form of body connection and exercise for years.
Slogan #51
The two most important words in this slogan are “this time.” It doesn’t matter what happened in the past, make this your mantra.
Slogan #50
Today, Slogan 50, "Don’t be swayed by external circumstances" resonated deeply. Inspired by Judy Lief’s practice questions, I took my reflection outdoors to find peace and clarity in nature.
Slogan #50
This is the 50th day of exploring Lojong and how it relates to my practice and my life. What have I learned?