Slogan #58
Don’t be Frivolous
Reflecting on Lojong Slogan 58, "Don't Be Frivolous," has been a guiding principle throughout my life. It reminds me to find meaning and depth in my actions rather than engaging in superficial pursuits.
As a child, achievements often came with praise, conditioning me to seek approval. Yet, the true joy was in quiet moments of play and discovery, free from the need for applause.
During adolescence, peer recognition felt crucial. On the basketball court, cheers were exhilarating, but true fulfillment came from giving my best effort, regardless of applause.
In early adulthood, as a yoga teacher, meditation guide, and basketball referee, I often sought acknowledgment. Over time, I realized the true value of my work lay in its impact, not in the recognition it received.
As I am in my 30s, this has brought a deeper understanding. My journaling practice and work on the combined journal of Lojong Slogans and the 48 Laws of Power are driven by passion, not applause. The process and intention are what matter most.
Today, I focus on being present in life, offering my best self without seeking recognition. The teachings of the Lojong Slogans are central to my writing, teaching, and life. Any applause is a bonus, but true fulfillment is found within