Workshops and Special Events
Creative Journaling and Embodied Self-study
Join Janaki Banting for an evening of creative journaling, yoga practice, and self-reflection!
Asana Lab: Inversions
Inversions invert the normal flow of blood in our body. They are believed to release tension, increase circulation and energy levels, and strengthen muscles. They also calm the mind and spirit and guide energy toward the heart.
50-hour Restorative Yoga Teacher Training
Join Pat, Shelly-Anne, and The Toronto Barre Collective (BCTO) faculty for this 50-hour Restorative Yoga Teacher Training.
Asana Lab: “Leap of Faith”
As we look to deepen our practice, arm balances can play a role in developing strength and awareness. In this workshop, we will explore ways in which to safely access and implement these poses into our practice routines.
The Whole Shebang with Jen & Pat
Bring your whole body, mind, heart, and spirit and join Jen and Pat for this once-a-month, whole yoga practice.
Understanding Arm Balances
As we look to deepen our practice, arm balances can play a role in developing strength and awareness. In this workshop, we will explore ways in which to safely access and implement these poses into our practice routines.
Early Morning — Rise and Shine
Good morning! This is a class to welcome you into your body and into your day.
Finding Balance
Balance is the essence of all yoga practices. When things are in balance they help us transcend the physical realm by harmonizing all of the present elements.
"Tuning" Your Hamstrings with Ron Reid
Finding the perfect balance in our hamstrings can present an interesting challenge. If our hamstrings are too tight, we are limited in what we can do and forward bends will seem almost impossible. If our hamstrings are too weak, we will lack proper support in our standing poses…
Unlock Your Shoulder Strength and Mobility with Katherine de Boda
Discover the full potential of your shoulder joint as we delve into a comprehensive exploration of strength and mobility through practical exercises. We will also focus on strengthening the supporting structures such as the rotator cuff muscles and serratus anterior.
Barre Pop-Up with Kathia Wittenborn
A whole-body, non-impact-based workout that aims to balance joint mobility and strength. This class will be dynamic and subtle, integrating the musculoskeletal and fascial systems to improve posture, tone, and overall functionality.
The Storyteller Series: Stories and Origins of the Asanas with Colin Hall
Gather ‘round friends. It’s story time again!
The second installment in Colin Hall’s “The Storyteller Series: Stories and Origins of the Asanas” will be interactive!
The Whole Shebang with Jen & Pat
Bring your whole body, mind, heart, and spirit and join Jen and Pat for this once-a-month, whole yoga practice.