About Us…
Studio Be is an online educational platform and global community integrating practice with everyday life.
What values set us apart? What commitments have we made?
We believe financial need shouldn’t be a barrier to practicing self-care and inclusion in our community. We offer a $35 monthly fee option for those who need support—no questions asked for as long as is required.
We value the ability to practice yoga regularly, wherever life circumstances take you. You have the option of joining classes live to interact with teachers to grow your practice. You can also access recordings of all classes for 7 days for asynchronous and even repeated practice.
In our classes, our faculty is committed to making practice accessible: emotionally, functionally, and cognitively. We see the person and value all the differences that make us great. We strive to offer classes and other opportunities for personal growth that honour neurodivergence, a wide range of physical capacity, and which are sensitive to the impacts of trauma on our lived experience.
Yoga is a comprehensive practice; therefore, one limb of the practice is not inherently more important than others. We are devoted to exploring the intersection of ethics, postures, breath work, restorative, yin, meditation, and therapeutic movement practices as a conduit to optimal health.
We believe the tradition of yoga has much to offer us in terms of sustainable health, growth and longevity. Our faculty are energized by continuing their learning within this tradition, and by integrating complementary scientific discoveries which help us to let go of what isn’t working for us, to make room for what is essential in our lives.
We invite you to find a path that works best for you and to lean on us for support as you move along it.
Dropping in and out of classes, whether in-person or via recorded “practice banks” is great—we get it! We take that flexibility and push it further, offering opportunities for intentional, curated and supported practice.
Our faculty communicate regularly to provide you with opportunities for growth that are consistent and built around a shared curriculum. Each teacher picks thematic aspects from a common vision to build their classes. They add their unique perspective from experience.
What this means for you: a greater ability to experiment. To play. To explore and grow, knowing that each month, each week, each class presents opportunities to expand your knowledge base and deepen your relationship with Be-ing.
As a teaching team, yoga and personal practice are conduits to creating and accessing community. We can’t stop talking about deepening and sharing the practice of yoga. We believe in peer-based collaboration and the value of sangha in learning.
We share community happenings via newsletters and social media; when you sign up, you’ll receive regular updates and information about the teaching themes that will be animating our classes, and gain insights into the practice of yoga from our teachers and other members of our community.
You may be practicing solo, but you are not practicing alone! We invite everyone to join early and stay after class to build connections. We always want to hear from you!
A Post-Lineage Approach
How can we capture in words what animates our approach to teaching? Mutual respect. Inclusivity. We honour students as experts in their bodies and experiences.
Teachers and learners are interdependent and we see teachers as kalyanamitra or spiritual friends and support systems as opposed to all-knowing gurus.
Post-lineage yoga moves beyond a single lineage or teacher as the sole authority. As yoga teachers, we draw upon useful models and approaches from across lineages and other modalities. Together, with you, we seek to normalize human variation and avoid universal or prescriptive rules.