Slogan #51

This time, practice the main points.

The two most important words in this slogan are “this time.” It doesn’t matter what happened in the past, make this your mantra. Release the guiltfest, immerse yourself in the present moment, and Inhale in ‘this’ and exhale out ‘time,’ regardless of the sensations, emotions, thoughts, and memories that are bubbling up to the surface. Create a pause before reacting. Wise action begins now. Lean into clarity by integrating these traditional teachings in order to transform harmful patterns. This is your framework for the rest of your life.

"What's important right now is the level of attention you can bring to what you are experiencing. Nothing else really counts."

Ken McLeod

Slogan 51 asks us to notice when we connect and when we disconnect. Look deeply into the lessons of your lived experience. Make this slogan a reality check of your current operating system. What are the things that you use to turn around when you are disconnected, isolated, or uncomfortable? Be curious about your personal feedback loops and practice both on the cushion and in your life.

“Being human always points, and is directed, to something or someone, other than oneself...The more one forgets himself—by giving himself to a cause to serve or another person to love—the more human he is."

Victor Frankl

The intention to dedicate one’s life to helping others and alleviating suffering is the organizing principle for our practice and our life. Tonglen is a portable practice, available anytime and anywhere, with freedom from the chains of craving and aversion as our inspiration. This compassion is not at all about numbing our feelings nor is it about “idiot compassion” (Ethan Nichtern’s humorous phrase!): “being a doormat, being popular, making nice, or giving away everything.”

“We are all perfect and we can all use a little work.”

Shunyru Suzuki


Slogan #51


Slogan #50