Slogan #45

Take on the three principal causes.

Slogan #45 delineates the three aspects of a realistic support system necessary for transformation. Let these three principal causes be your anchor so that you can flourish within a network of external, internal, and interpersonal supports. These are your landmarks; use them as your beacons that will light up your path.

The first principal cause is the teacher but hold this tradition lightly—be open to outside voices and influences. I love our post-lineage culture which has moved beyond a single lineage or teacher as the sole authority. We are now placing more value on the sangha and are guided by a peer-based model. Listen to your teachers but learn to trust your instincts. Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra 2.1 asks us to surrender to grace with the Sanskrit words Ishvara Pranidhana by letting go of who we imagine ourselves to be, letting go of ego, and letting go of attachment to outcome. The paradox of life is that we must simultaneously learn to love fully and deeply and to let go fully and deeply. Let practice be a refuge from the need to control and freedom from the constraints of a self-centred existence. Move from the thinking body to the feeling body, from periphery to core, from the small self to the higher self. Dedicate your practice to something greater than yourself.

Secondly, trust in the efficacy of mind training and specifically, this Lojong compassion training to inspire and to light the way. Commit to training your mind to develop receptivity to the quiet voice of your heart. Experience the exhilaration of learning to be kind to yourself. The Yoga of Action, Sutra 2.1, includes Svadhyaya which translates to self-study or practice. Practice is learning to turn down the narrative and to turn up bodily sensations. Practice is the movement from doubt to faith; taking a leap of faith in one’s potential for self-healing. Practice is meeting ourselves, without pretense, expectation or judgment, on the cushion. Practice is allowing both deep listening and observing of sensations, feelings, and thoughts in order for insight to flourish. Practice is growing roots over time that are firm and grounded; as we honour the elements of daily repetition we nurture something of value in order to build capacity for presence and to deepen self-acceptance, curiosity, and inner reflection.

The third principal cause is the practicalities of our lived reality; that is, the social, economic, and emotional supports that are fundamental to optimal health and resiliency. Basic physiological needs such as affordable shelter, healthcare, food, sleep, and a living wage are precursors to growth and transcendence. An open heart and an open mind require the quality of Tapas, the discipline, resolve, and conviction to make the most of our one precious life.

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

Mary Oliver


Slogan #45


Slogan #44