Slogan #39

All activities should be done with one intention.

The essence of this slogan is intention and its power; that is, we are making the decision to commit to a life of deliberate compassion. What does this mean? To think, feel, speak, and act with compassion for all sentient beings. To cultivate relationships in which each person that you come in contact with feels seen, heard, and valued. To practice with your whole heart so that compassion becomes your default.

The next time that you’re engaging in an everyday activity such as buying groceries, choose to make your every word and gesture an expression of compassion. Notice the effects of this. Notice the differences when you engage in the same activities on autopilot. The next time someone lets you down, observe your feelings of defensiveness, anger, and disappointment. What is your recurring narrative? Now consider how you would feel if this person's actions satisfied your needs and brought you joy. Practice compassion for all who are similarly suffering by breathing in what you wanted and breathing out what you didn’t want. Embody compassion so that you can best be of service. Tonglen is a powerful antidote to the “what’s in it for me” attitude and the corresponding feelings of self-righteousness, entitlement, and blame. This practice cultivates mindfulness, gentleness and accountability instead.

The destruction wreaked by cruelty, violence, and aggression begins with ourselves. Can you apply this week’s intentional practice to yourself? Self-compassion is the willingness to come face-to-face with your own vulnerability and suffering. The body scan can be an intervention exercise in acknowledging the relationship that you have with different parts of your body. If your truth is self-denigration (“too fat, ugly, unworthy, numb”) can you let these words in without drowning in them? Can you see yourself, each part and your entire body, with kind, empathetic eyes and awaken the heart of compassion for yourself?

“Compassion and love are precious things in life—they are not complicated. They are simple, but difficult to practice.”

Dalai Lama


Slogan #39


Slogan #38