Slogan #38

Don't Seek Others' Pain as the Limbs of Your Own Happiness


Today, while waiting for someone to open a locked door, I sat in my friend’s backyard. A quick summer rain passed by during my meditation practice. For my sit, I reflected on Slogan #38: "Don't seek others' pain as the limbs of your own happiness." The brief shower under the sunny sky created a peaceful moment for contemplation. During my meditation, I practised Tonglen, taking in others' suffering and sending out compassion. This practice felt especially powerful in such a tranquil setting. The rain seemed to cleanse the air, making way for a deeper sense of empathy, with the petrichor emanating from the grass.

This slogan reminds us not to find joy in others' struggles. It’s easy to feel better when others falter, but true happiness comes from compassion, not comparison. As I breathed in, I took in the pain of those around me. Breathing out, I sent out love and healing energy. Reflecting on this, I realized how often we seek validation through others' difficulties. But true joy comes from seeing others thrive. The brief rain mirrored this process, cleansing and refreshing the world around me.


Slogan #39


Slogan #38