Slogan #32

Don’t Wait in Ambush


This slogan reminded me of a Zen story about two monks and a woman. As they traveled, the monks encountered a woman needing help to cross a river. One monk carried her across while the other monk waded beside them. Once they reached the other side, the woman dismounted without a word of thanks. After several kilometers, the monk who had carried her, still fuming, said, “I can’t believe she didn’t say thank you after I carried her across the river. We’re still wet because of her.”

The other monk replied, “I put the woman down back at the river. Why are you still carrying her?”

This story captures the essence of the slogan. We often hold onto grudges or pain for too long. On the golf course, I’ve found myself carrying the weight of a bad swing or poor placement from one hole to the next. Each stroke on the scorecard sometimes represents my inability to let go of a previous mistake. I replay the moment in my mind, allowing it to affect my next move.

Golf, like life, is about staying present and letting go of past errors. Each hole presents a new opportunity, untainted by what came before. The key is to leave the last stroke behind, just as the monk left the woman at the riverbank. Doing so allows me to approach each new challenge with a clear mind and a light heart.

As I stand on the tee, I remind myself to let go. I visualize setting down any lingering frustrations from the previous hole, just as the monk set down the woman. This mindfulness practice allows me to enjoy the game more fully and play each stroke with greater clarity and focus.

By releasing the weight of grudges and missteps, I can walk lighter, both on and off the course, embracing each moment as arrives.


Slogan #33


Slogan #32