Slogan #33

Don't bring things to a painful point.

Don’t bring things to a painful point is an exhortation to practice living (thinking, speaking, acting) in the gap between stimulus and response; and between action and reaction. Instead of going for the jugular, this slogan asks us to consider the long game and the principle of Karma. Generally speaking, over the past 32 days, we have been studying the psychology of habit; ie, the recurring script or narrative that we act from. If we believe that our actions have consequences, if what we do is significant, then how we act right now will determine our future. Karma speaks to accountability rather than blame so consider the effect of humiliating and denigrating someone on your destiny.

“What others do to us is their karma, how we experience and react is ours.”

Miles Neale


Slogan #33


Slogan #32