Slogan #49

Always Meditate on Whatever Provokes Resentment


Wow! This slogan hit me differently today. I’ve been reading each slogan the night before so that I wake up with it at the forefront of my mind, grounding myself in the present moment and aligning my day accordingly. Last night, however, I fell asleep earlier than expected and forgot to read Slogan #49: "Always meditate on whatever provokes resentment." I woke up agitated from a restless night and jumped straight into my to-do list.

It wasn’t until Pat sent her reflection for today that I finally read the slogan. The word “resentment” stirred many emotions within me. Acknowledging it was hard, and I felt an aversion to sitting with these feelings. Thankfully, my standing Tuesday writing session with Shir provided the space I needed to reflect on my to-do list and let anger surface as an equal to resentment.

This slogan brought up my own relationship with anger and resentment, especially how it's expressed in my Filipino culture through "tampo." Tampo involves a quiet withdrawal that carries its own cultural nuances and emotional weight. Reflecting on this, I realised how ingrained these patterns are in my behaviour and how they influence my interactions. Meditating on what provokes resentment today revealed the roots of my anger. It reminded me of the importance of facing these emotions head-on. Moving forward, I’m committed to being more mindful of my reactions, using these moments to cultivate compassion and clarity.

Grateful for this journey of self-awareness and growth.


Slogan #50


Slogan #49