Slogan #30

Don't be so predictable.

In the 1999 movie, The Matrix, Neo was given the choice to remain in blissful ignorance by ingesting the blue pill. The red pill represented the unpredictable, uncertain, and life-changing truth of reality. According to Slogan #30, the red pill is our Lojong practice because it interrupts our comfortable misperceptions, habits, and reactions.

Be unpredictable! Instead of feeling threatened and holding a grudge, instead of becoming defensive and reactive, practice Tonglen. Instead of shutting down or becoming lost in your stories, be aware of the preciousness of life and remember impermanence and karma. Lean in and turn towards freedom. Enjoy the journey.

“Freshness and openness and a capacity for surprise are hallmarks of mind training, which is one reason why it is so much fun.”

Norman Fischer


Slogan #30


Slogan #29