Slogan #22

If you can practice even when distracted, you are well trained.


Ah! I had quite the moment earlier today. During my sit, I often turn to a meditation practice called R.A.I.N., taught by Tara Brach. It stands for Recognize, Allow, Investigate, and Nurture, and it helps me engage directly with a situation, noting my reactions verbally, emotionally, mentally, and physically.

So, on day 22, I felt abandoned due to poor communication with someone I love, and I lost my sense of awareness. My body tightened up, and the words that spilled out of my mouth echoed the pain I was feeling. I didn’t catch myself reacting in the moment; I couldn’t assess the situation with the openness and kindness I strive for. Instead, I went on the defensive, protecting myself from the impending hurt. But as I drove home, my body relaxed back into its natural state, and I couldn’t help but laugh at the situation. Reflecting on my reaction, I realized that this was another chance to practice acceptance and mindfulness. These moments will continue to happen, and I hope to get better at recognizing my reactions and allowing myself the nurturing care I need in those instances.

This doesn’t mean I’m not well-trained or failing on my journey. It simply means I’m human, and that’s perfectly okay.


Slogan #23


Slogan #22