Slogan #20
Of the two witnesses, hold the principal one.
In today’s meditation, I reflected on Slogan #19: "Of the two witnesses, hold the principal one." This teaching reminds us to trust our inner experiences over external opinions.
For years, I explored different paths, often feeling like an imposter. Doubt crept in—was I authentic, or just pretending? Meditation helped me shift this perspective. By focusing on my breath, I anchored myself in the present moment, letting go of the need for external validation.
Breathing in, I acknowledged self-doubt. Breathing out, I released it. This practice allowed me to connect with my inner witness—the principal one. My experiences and feelings are valid simply because they are mine.
Meditation taught me to trust my journey and listen to my inner voice with compassion. Holding the principal witness means honouring my path and recognizing that authenticity comes from within.