Slogan #13

Be grateful to everyone.

Others have an uncanny ability to show us exactly where we’re stuck and to trigger typical reactions of fight, flight, or freeze. In fact, life is filled with frustrations, resentments, and grudges. But make no mistake, without noise, without difficulty, we would not be able to ascertain signal or peace. With practice, we learn to find the exquisite balance between repression and acting out, between denial and walking away. Life cannot be all about armoring and protection from pain or from difficult people. Of course, the qualities that we reject in ourselves are often the same qualities that are worthy of contempt in others. Shine a mirror on all the discarded aspects of yourself rather than consciously or unconsciously projecting these unwanted emotions or traits you don't like about yourself onto someone else. In this way, we can learn how to accept and be grateful to ourselves and others.

The irrepressible enthusiasm powered by love and gratitude is what propels our extraordinary human potential. Make gratitude the antidote to living a life on autopilot. With gratitude I remember the people, animals, plants, insects, creatures of the sky and sea, air and water, fire and earth, all whose joyful exertion blesses my life every day. With gratitude I remember the care and labour of a thousand generations of elders and ancestors who came before me. I offer my gratitude for the safety and well-being that I have been given. I offer my gratitude for the blessings of this earth I have been given. I offer my gratitude for the measure of health I have been given. I offer my gratitude for the family and friends that I have been given. I offer my gratitude for the teachings and lessons I have been given. I offer my gratitude for the life I have been given (from Jack Kornfield).

Gratitude, like compassion, is a wisdom practice and begins by turning inward. These are self-transcendent emotions that allow us to expand our personal boundaries in order to shift attention toward others. Being thankful for everyone and everything is an acknowledgment of and appreciation for our breath, body, ancestors, the earth, our interconnectedness, our ability to be vulnerable, and our shared potential.

"If you look deeply into the palm of your hand, you will see your parents and all generations of your ancestors. All of them are alive in this moment. Each is present in your body. You are the continuation of each of these people.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

Journaling Prompt:

  1. Ryder Carroll invites us to keep S.C.O.R.E with a gratitude practice: Sincerity, Consistency, Originality, Reflection, and Expression. Read on Bullet Journal.


Slogan #13


Slogan #12