Slogan #1

First, train in the preliminaries; The Four Reminders or The Four Thoughts

  1. Maintain awareness of the preciousness of human life.

  2. Be aware of the reality that life ends; death comes for everyone; Impermanence.

  3. Recall that whatever you do, whether virtuous or not, has a a result; Karma.

  4. Contemplate that as long as you are too focused on self-importance and too caught up in thinking about how you are good or bad, you will experience suffering. Obsessing about getting what you want and avoiding what you don’t want does not result in happiness; Ego


I acknowledge the preciousness of human life.

I acknowledge the preciousness of human life.

I acknowledge the preciousness of human life.

Today, I guided my students through a body scan as a way to explore Slogan #1. It really hit home how important it is to come back to these basics.

As I took a breath, I felt a jolt from the tips of my toes up through my legs and into my heart. It made me wonder, “Do I have the time to do everything I want? Am I too focused on being good and not bad? Does it even matter?”

Breathe in. Breathe out.

These thoughts will always pop up, but returning to the simple act of breathing in and out helps me stay grounded. It reminds me to appreciate my precious life, which is something I’ve been practicing for years. It’s a practice I rely on, especially now as I dive back into exploring the Lojong slogans with fresh eyes and a renewed heart for the next 59 days with my teacher, Pat.

Reflecting on this first Lojong slogan brings me back to what really matters. The Four Reminders are like a compass, guiding me through life's ups and downs. Eachbreath, each moment of awareness, helps me stay connected to the present and find deeper meaning in everyday life. But, for today, I am sitting with more awareness of the precious of human life. How each life has its own unique journey and to continue to honour the light in myself and in others through virtuous acts in every day life.

Journal Prompts:

How can you honour the preciousness of human life in your daily life?


Slogan #2


Slogan #1